Monday, November 8, 2010

The Guidance of Vision; The Solution of Action

For so many years the monotony of school has distracted me from the mature vision of my future. Through our twenties or even later our vision may change or flourish, but actually directing and following this proposed future plan may be more beneficial then I thought.Vision will only be catalyzed by the action that follows. Without Action we tend to dismiss our premature brainstorms and replace them with present stresses or current obligations.

Like I have previously stated I am a self-taught artist. I would love to develop the skills that I have acquired in the past and those of the future into a gallery focused on these pieces. I envision this gallery congested with all the work I've created. It would be crowded with all friends, family and good company. First I would give time, in my probable busy future, to create enough artwork to properly do this. I would then present some pieces in local artist's shows and then finally allocate enough money, supplies, and workers to get the job done. I would also purchase a gallery to have my artwork exhibited.

One vision that just needs a little more initiative is my participation in a non-profit Animal or Children organization. This would require more action and allocated time for participation.

A small curiosity that has recently been prodded would be to expand my obsession with shoes into a creation of them. Apparently I am a person who will visualize an art piece, shoe, outfit or etc before I even know if it's in existence. I would begin by interning at a hopefully high-end shoe label where I would eventually take the necessary steps to design phenomenal shoes for the fashionista in all of us.

All in all, all these visions come secondary to the future action of attaining an influential and affluent career to repay my loved ones for all their support. Hopefully this career will be may passion, advertising and graphic arts but...
  C`est la vie!!!


  1. Please invite me when you gallery opens up. I would love to see your art work. A non-profit organization is always a good place to jump start your career. No matter what you vision may be, good luck to you!

  2. OMG shoes! anyway, i think that this sounds good. if you can find a way to do what you love and be able to support yourself then i think you have made it in life. its going to take a to of work. fashion is not easy to get into or to stay in for that matter. but i know you and i know that if you really want it and you don't stop, you will make it happen! :)

  3. I'm glad to see that not everyone in Baruch is business minded haha! Pursue that love and dream of being an artist. We all flourish pursuing our dreams and doing what we love, that's why I know you'll succeed.
